Recently my family and my best friends family buddied up and went to Chattanooga, TN. to let our sons experience "A Day Out With Thomas". A whole day dedicated to the little blue train who learns many BIG life lessons.
Misty's son, Andrew has been into Thomas for quite some time. He is 5 and about to start Kindergarten in the fall. Some would say he is about to move on to older things now, and while I see that side of him, some days he is still "little baby Andrew" with a choo-choo in his hand.
My son, Jake, who is a little over 3 is into Thomas but only has maybe 5 trains and is content to just play with those 5 trains and not add any more of them to his collection.
Together they are buddies, bound by the common place of the railway. They both can't wait to ride the Polar Express and drink chocolate milk when it comes to Chattanooga this winter. I love to see them play together. I love to hear them talk and laugh about the same things. I love to see those two little boys in their Thomas Shirts giggle and run without a care in the world. If only my life could be as carefree as their world is right now.
Have you ever thought about your Buddy? Take a few minutes and think about this person or people in your life. Think about the good times and the bad times. Get out old pictures and scrapbook them. I know you will be glad that you did. I am thankful for so many things. One of them is that through my buddy Misty, my son has found his buddy Andrew! The circle can continue and I know our train, with all of its cars, has a long track ahead of it.
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